How to unit test Eloquent relationshipsIn my opinion, Eloquent is one of the most powerful features of Laravel. It is an API for interacting with your database, and it has a…Apr 11, 2021Apr 11, 2021
Manual auth in Laravel: email verificationWith the arrival of Laravel 8, new ways for authentication have been added to the Laravel ecosystem. Fortify, Jetstream and Breeze…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
Eloquent polymorphic relationships explained (with examples)In my opinion, Eloquent is one of the most powerful features of Laravel. It is an API for interacting with your database, and it has a…Apr 5, 2021Apr 5, 2021
Manual auth in Laravel: password confirmationWith the arrival of Laravel 8, new ways for authentication have been added to the Laravel ecosystem. Fortify, Jetstream and Breeze…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021
Eloquent relationships explained (with examples)In my opinion, Eloquent is one of the most powerful features of Laravel. It is an API for interacting with your database, and it has a…Mar 28, 2021Mar 28, 2021
Nested comments in LaravelLast week I added a nested comments feature to my blog. You can see it at the bottom of this post, where I received a few comments. In…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Manual auth in Laravel: signing in and outThis post was published first at my website. Please check it for updates.Mar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021
Manual auth in Laravel: registeringWith the arrival of Laravel 8, new ways for authentication have been added to the Laravel ecosystem. Fortify, Jetstream and Breeze…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
How to use UUIDs in URLs in LaravelIn my previous post, I told why you shouldn’t expose your default incrementing IDs, because of security and other issues. Luckily there…Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021